Site Info

The ShadowSpiral Development Team is:

  • Darkk (WebMaster) - Master Programmer: HTML, CSS, Java, and ActiveX scripting.
  • Forscythe (Asst. WebMaster) - Assistant Programmer: CGI and OLE.
  • Zystone (Designer) - ShadowSpiral Layout and Design.
  • Ariochel (Editor) - Editor in Chief
  • Landarth (Newstracker) - ShadowSpiral Diablo II Newstracker.

Greetings, thank you for choosing ShadowSpiral Diablo II as your choice for Diablo II news, pics, and information.  The Development crew works round the clock (except during nap-time) to keep the gears of the site oiled and running smoothly.  Everyone plays their part to keep everything updated, looking good, and fully fuctional.  If you have any suggestions, comments, questions or criticisms about our site, send them to and we will be glad to answer them. 

ShadowSpiral Diablo II is best viewed with Microsoft's Internet Explorer, and is fully compatable with Netscape Communicator.  The site makes use of CSS (Cascading Stylesheets), JavaScript, ActiveX scripting, CGI, and various built-in OLE applications.  As a result, the site will not display right on 3.0 browsers or lower. 


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Skill of the Week

Iron Maiden
Harkening back to an inquisitional torture, the Iron Maiden curse causes all damage an enemy does to you to be returned to that enemy as well.  Part of the Necromancer´s
Curses, it is a powerful addition to his arsenal.

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