E3 Cinematic

Cinematic Dialogue:

And the evil that was once vanquished shall rise anew, wrapped in the guise of man shall he walk amongst the innocent and terror shall consume they that dwell upon the earth.

Behold, the war amongst the Heavens shall not be contained, and the sons of man shall be engulfed in the flood of conflict, and all hope shall be lost unto them. 

And he shall make war upon the Heavens... and the Heavens shall gird themselves as for battle. 

The righteous shall fall upon the wicked and lay siege to the very gates of Hell.  And he shall take peace from mankind, and loose great destruction upon the earth. 

The Lord of Hatred shall ascend his throne and the fires of Hell shall devour all.

(Voiceless scenes of action that shuttle past very quickly)

And he shall mete out his vengeance upon all flesh and the blood of innocents shall run as great torrents. 

Who then shall be saved?

The Analysis of the Cinematic:

The E3 Cinematic is finally here.  Yes, my friends, your precious 50th level Warrior, Rogue or Sorcerer is now out to destroy you; and here, in graphic detail, is described exactly how your death is to be delivered unto you.

The style of the cinematic is breathtaking.  As the newly risen Diablo gives prophecy, the cinematic displays a visual montage that reminds one of the opening of the Millenium TV show, or the color inserts from Steven King's Dark Tower novels.  As Diablo slowly strides through what appears to be a sanitarium, he speaks of the armies of Heaven and Hell preparing to make war on the earth.  At the Dark Lord's feet, a prisoner of the sanitarium twists and writhes on the floor, in a helpless attempt to flee from our humble narrator.  We're also treated to an image of the Soulstone.  As it twists and turns, it transforms from the golden coloration of blood plasma, to the crimson shine of whole blood.

As the cinematic continues, it shifts to a short barrage of mind-numbing action scenes.  (This sudden violent shift should be familiar to anyone who's seen the StarCraft cinematic scenes.)  We see laughing madmen, flaming humanoids, burning buildings, demonic hooded sorcerers, and what appears to be a rather terrified tavern waiter running for his very existence.  After seeing first-hand the gaping jaws of an attacking demon, we return to the end of Diablo's prophecy. 

"Who then shall be saved?"

Download the E3 Cinematic Trailer.


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